Well, we have ice in Boji Land, kind of. We had about 6 inches on Big Spirit in Angler's Bay last week. However, with the rain this week I wouldn't trust it all. I have seen some guys on West Okoboji, in Smith's Bay and Emerson Bay, again I am not going to try it yet. I do think they are catching some gills. They were also getting some gills and a few perch on Anglers and at the grade. I had some luck with jumbo perch down at Trumbull lake 2 weeks ago, I tried it Tuesday and never caught one that I kept.
Bad news on Anglers Bay, the owner of Anglers Bay resort has roped off the access, so you can't walk on there. The access off the blacktop on the north side of Anglers now has a big gate. The only way on now is at Hale's Slough and that is a good mile from Anglers, I can't make that hike with my bum leg, so first ice fishing on Anglers is a thing of the past for me, I will have to wait until ice is thick enough to drive on with the truck or go on with Rick and his ATV; oh well.
Rick Dicus and I made a foray into South Dakota for muzzleloader season,you can shoot two does, either whitetail or mule deer. I had never hunted with a muzzleloader before and it is a blast. I purchased a Thompson Center Encore 50X209, and it is one sweet gun. I spent about 5 hours working up a load the gun liked and sighting it in and I am glad that I did. Rick and shot 2 mulies on Saturday at sundown. I shot a big mulie doe that was leading about 8 other deer and he shot the yearling right behind her. On Sunday, due to the good eyes of Rick, I was able to fill my tags with another mulie doe. Alas, Rick didn't get his second deer, we had a blast. Rick's grandson and his grandson's best friend were along for the hunt Saturday evening and they did a good job hiding and staying quiet, they will both be old enough to participate in the hunt in a few years. I think we are going out next year for the regular rifle season as well. Oh well, I will have to buy another barrel for the Thompson. By the way in muzzleloader season you aren't allowed to use telescopic sights, open sights only. My deer were taken at 40 yards and 86 yards respectively, according to my Nikon rangefinder.
That is it for now. Merry Christmas to all and a Happy and prosperous New Year.