Well, I'm back. Just spent a busy week with grandaughter Caite, at 5 years old she is now the captain of grandpa's boat. We didn't have much luck fishing but it was her first time out and we had trouble getting her to quit when it was time. (a very good sign). Oldest grandson Stefan graduated from high school, some emotion from grandpa at that function. It seems that it was only yesterday that I was putting him in the car seat and going to get a paper and a orange soda to share. He will be a freshman at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln next fall. I hope we can wet a line together this summer. Youngest grandson Jesse will be here in Bojiland with us this summer to do a little fishing or whatever.
I have only been on the water 2 times this spring, late ice out and busy. I did manage to catch 8 nice walleye from a friends dock on Big Spirit last week. Rockeroo and shiner did the trick. Muskie season opens Wednesday, hope to be out.
Memorial Day weekend is coming up and the annual Center Lake Drive, garage sale will be going on again. I hope to be in the boat with the grandkids to get away from that insanity.