Ice is here but I've not been out. I can't walk with the continuing sore on my foot that started a year ago and the ice isn't thick enough for truck traffic yet. The reports I am hearing are that it is pretty slow right now, after a burst of activity early. I see some small S-10 sized pick-ups on Big Spirit and the same in Millers Bay on Okoboji. I may get out this weekend with Rick Dicus, he has an ATV all set up and the ice is plenty thick for that. It is raining right now, turning to ice and snow later. So we will wait and see how the weather shapes up for the weekend.
Have signed the lease for our private cabin on Mille Lacs for the June trip with the Dicuses, really looking forward to that trip. Hope to get up in western Minnesota or eastern South Dakota with friends from Rapid City, SD (the Wredes).
Well, I am officially an old shit, I bought my lifetime fishing license yesterday. Social Security and Medicare didn't seem like I was an old shit this does. :-)
I am headed back up to Mayo 1-22-13. I am having a vascular study of my legs and a motion analysis of my walking. The doctor said last month that it looked to him like my shoe insert may not be relieving the pressure on the ulcer site in the arch of my foot. That might be why it isn't healing. Anyway life goes on.