Saturday, March 05, 2005

Walleye, Muskie and getting ready.

This post is titled as such because I just tried to post and got a cannot find this page message bummer.
Anyway, I haven't posted for a week. I am in the middle of being between ice fishing and softwater fishing. I have been busy respooling reels, cleaning rod eyes etc. I am replacing the belly hooks on my crankbaits with red Daiichi hooks, I am sharpening hooks on muskie baits, building new muskie leaders etc. It is a time of transition. The lakes around here are still socked in with ice, but there is water standing on top of the ice in the afternoon and all the permanent shacks are gone. You can feel the pace of nature quickening, geese are moving, I saw a big swan this morning, it is just plain time for change.
I will be pulling the Ranger out in the driveway tomorrow, if it gets as warm as forecast. I will be cleaning her up inside and out, getting the contents of the hatches organized, checking trailer tire pressure, making sure all the electronics work etc. etc. I am then hoping to go either to Red Wing, Minnesota and the Mississippi or to Chamberlain,SD and the Missouri to do some walleye fishing and give the boat her spring shake down cruise. I need to run some carbon guard through the 200 Optimax as a preventative and just generally shake the cobwebs out of her. I am also anxious to see how the new Optima batteries work. I also need to take some pictures with Optima signage on the boat and write that testimonial to fulfill my contract with Optima.
Tonight, Dianne and I are going to the awards banquet of The Upper Great Plains Chapter of Muskies Inc, she and I are both on the board of directors. I was elected Regional Vice President for our chapter last year, I am humbled by the trust the club puts in me.
If any of you readers are interested in muskie fishing please go to our website for more information. We have 3 major tournaments per year and muskie league every other Wednesday night after work. It is a great time and a neat way to learn more about muskie fishing.

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