Thursday, July 07, 2005

Fishing is slow.

Hello all, I have again been remiss in my reporting. I have not been out very much as of late and when I have been I catch numbers of walleyes on Big Spirit but very few legal fish. I know some of you are getting them but not me.
We had muskie league last nite and no fish where caught and no follows where reported. Dianne and I tried Reed's Run and the cabbage beds in Anglers Bay, all to no avail. It has really been dead. Hopefully the muskie will go on a bite soon. The guys from the muskie club left for Lake Of The Woods this morning. This is the first year in 6 that I haven't gone, I am not in a good mood!
I talked to Steve Smith, Marketing Director for Ranger Boats, last week. Steve told me to look for a major announcement coming soon regarding the 620. Ranger has made some changes, to the hull and some Hi-tech stuff as well. I am not at liberty to share these changes at this time.
I had a good conversation about a week ago with my high school chum Marv Gilbert, he said he has been doing fairly well on the river when he is able to get out. I need to make a trip to Clinton and do a little fishing again with Marv, it has been about 7 years since I was last over there to fish with Marv and Bill. Anyway that is about it for now. I am still trying to get to the Missouri but haven't gone yet.

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