Monday, October 09, 2006

Muskies on Boji

The skies are moving on Boji. I got 4th in the Idso Muskie Fest this past weekend, by catching a 33 inch skie. Todd Schlenger won first with a wonderful 49 inch fish, Pete Hildreth won 2nd with a 45, Pete's partner caught a 35 for 3rd(sorry I can't remember your name) and my fish won 4th. Todd caught his 49 on a Wades's Wobbler, Pete a Bulldog, his partner as well. I caught mine Trolling with a Buck Perry Spoonplug. I use spoonplugs a lot, it has been a sleeper lure on Boji for years, some guys think they are too small. I see that Rollie and Helens Muskie Shop is carrying them in their catalog this year.
I also caught a 39 inch skie last thursday on Boji on a M&M Spinner bait in Smith's Bay. I caught her on a figure 8 right at the boat awesome! I tell ya there is nothing like catching a skie on a figure 8, the adrenalin rush is something!
I see a lot of boats fishing for bluegills in Smith's Bay right now. GOOD LUCK

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Upcoming Elections

This post is not directly related to Fishin In Boji Land, because it isn't about what is biting, where the bite is or what techniques are working.

However, in a sense it is. I want to encourage all of you who honor me by reading my ramblings to vote next month. I don't care what your positition is, you should at least vote your conscience.
I for one am sick and tired of the environmental issues in the state of Iowa, being decided exclusively in Des Moines by the corporate agricultural lobby. I believe we need some level of local control on some of these issues. To date every time some science shows increasing pollution, the politicians call for another study. This stuff has been studied to death, the surest way to bury an issue is fund a new study.

I do believe that these issues will affect our fisheries and probably have already! I know that my beloved Iowa Great Lakes, in particular West Okoboji have algae blooms that I didn't see years ago.

So, whatever your position is on this issue, I encourage you to vote for the candidates that agree with your position. Take the time to read their positions and hold their feet to the fire if they won't answer the questions you have.

Well thats enough of that rant but this is becoming a big issue here in Boji Land.

Oh, the perch are biting on Spirit . The gills and perch are going on the weedlines in West Okoboji.