Tuesday, September 18, 2007


I mean wow! I can't believe I haven't posted since June, oh well. This summer was a little different, I fished no walleye tournaments and went on no out of state trips. I have my back stiffened a little bit about gas prices and decided I couldn't afford to go all over the place.

Fishing in Boji Land was excellent this summer, we did well in June on walleyes and August was dynamite for panfish. We cleaned up on bluegills and yellow bass. Yes, we now have yellow bass in the Iowa Great Lakes, I don't know how the hell they got there but they are there, throughout the Okoboji system, I haven't heard any reports of them in Big Spirit as of yet. I don't know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, yellows are supposed to be excellent tablefare. We have some in the freezer but haven't tried them yet.

I was able to spend some quality time on the water with my oldest and youngest grandsons this Memorial Day, and the oldest came up for Father's Day and went fishing with grandpa. He is a senior in high school this year, next year it will be work and off to college for him, so time on the water with grandpa will be rarer than it is now. I hope that won't be true but I fear it will be.

Muskie fishing has really heated up in the last couple of weeks. We had our 27th Annual Upper Great Plains Chapter Release Tournament last weekend and a record 32 releases were recorded, the winner had to catch 3 fish to win it and he was pushed really hard be another 3 fish catch. FANTASTIC!!!! I along with my partner Mark Mitchell blanked, I never even had a follow, oh well that is muskie fishing.

I am getting ready for deer season, I am lucky enough to be able to go to South Dakota and Minnesota this year deer hunting. November will be a busy month for me. I also have been getting the rods, shack, auger etc., ready for ice fishing. My bride informed me that since she has retired she wants to give ice fishing a try. I guess now we need a Fish Trap Guide and some warm clothing for her. OH NO NEW GEAR!!!!

Anyway that is a brief synopsis of what has been going on with me in Boji Land since June.

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