Monday, January 17, 2005

January15-16 Fishing Report

I can summarize the weekends fishing report as follows: TERRIBLE. We fished Millers Bay, Smiths Bay. Center bar in Millers. Drilled dozens of holes and caught nada. We tried walleye at dusk yesterday had some fish come in on the Vexilar but no biters. We tried for gills shallow 5-10 ft nothing. I never even had a gill come in the hole. My partner had a bass and some gills come through his hole.This was Sunday.
Saturday, same deal. However, I did have several fish in the hole in Smith's Bay but they were very negative. I have been getting the same report from other anglers.
I think the little beggars must have went on a bender and they all had hangovers from too much Miller Lite or something.

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