Friday, February 10, 2012

Puter back up

Well, I had a little scare Wednesday. My laptop showed up with the Blue Screen of Death. I clicked on an email link I shouldn't have. I knew it was bad the instant I clicked on it. I don't know why I did that I normally don't open suspicious links and it was suspicious. Oh, well brain fart. I took it into town to the COMPUTER GUY (Steve Currell) and he had me up and running Thursday. Very good service and pleasant man. Give him a look if you need some computer work, small business or home. He is even a certified Apple guy.
Haven't been on the ice, still trying to heal up the problem on my heel. It is coming but I don't want to push it. Rick D is on LOW as I write this, hoping for some pictures today. He is fishing out of ARNESON'S ROCKY POINT RESORT. I have never been to that one but it looks good on their website.
 I am anxious to try the Blade Baits I bought from Dean's Tackle Box, they really look good. Later

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