Monday, February 27, 2012

This and That

Not much going on, watched the live feed of the Bassmaster Classic weigh in over the weekend. New champion Chris Lane, big congratulations.He and his brother Bobby both made the final cut. Man they drag that thing out, I imagine it is exciting live. Dianne doesn't miss the Classic at all, she attended over 20 years for Berkley/Pure Fishing. She didn't even go to the weigh ins after a few years, she stayed at the show and worked.
Haven't been ice fishing at all. Foot isn't completely healed and I really don't want to try and walk out there and the ice isn't safe enough to drive. I see 36 trucks went through the ice over on Lake Winnebago in Wisconsin over the weekend. They all parked in the same place and it was too much for the ice, no one was injured. Dumb Asses!!!!
I had a nice conversation with Bob Jensen over the weekend, hadn't talked to him in a long time. I value his insight into what is going on in the fishing industry. His FISHING THE MIDWEST TV show is the best catch it, if it is on your TV channels!!

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